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  4. Our review

Some ground rules.

These are set and enforced by the feral.cafe moderators.

  1. No hate speech, discrimination, or oppressive language/actions. Respect pronouns and avoid harassment, stalking, bullying, doxing, or callouts.
  2. Zoosexuality is accepted and supported on this instance, but no illegal content is allowed.
  3. Critiques should be positive, empowering, and respectful.
  4. Avoid suicide-baiting at all times.
  5. Except for prohibited content listed below, NSFW artwork is allowed, but must be placed under a content warning.
  6. Prohibited Content: 1. Sexually explicit real-life photos or videos.
  7. Prohibited Content: 2. Suggestive or explicit content of any kind involving minors or young characters.
  8. Prohibited Content: 3. Self-identification as a sadist or MAP, including dog-whistle terms like '"paraphile".
  9. Prohibited Content: 4. Discussion about minor attraction.
  10. Prohibited Content: 5. Promotion of authoritarian ideologies.